The idea behind SKUTAN is simple and uncomplicated. After discovering joy in the process of designing and producing clothes and products that my own children could use, I decided to start a company around this newfound interest.

The inspiration for the SKUTAN brand comes from Jämtland's outdoor culture, and along the way I have some main ambitions that the company should lean towards:

- The products we produce must be durable and able to be used often and for a long time. We want to increase the lifespan of and the number of uses per garment. Did you know that a garment is used 7-8 times on average? We want to help change that!

- The products may be passed on from one little adventurer to another. We want to create a sharing culture where we don't own more clothes than necessary. We think that many parents of young children can recognize themselves in the large amounts of children's clothes you find almost unused deep in the wardrobe!😱

- We want to encourage activity in all its forms, small and large adventures. It should be relaxed and fun. That should be the essence of SKUTAN. Children feel good about moving and being challenged, this applies every day, not just on weekends.


Tobias Falk, founder

SKUTAN, 22 June 2023